Sunday, December 23, 2012

VLC for Windows 8 gets Kickstarter funding with five days to spare

vlc windows 8

A Windows 8-style version of VLC is officially bound for that platform now that the team’s Kickstarter project reached its funding goal of £40,000 (about $65,000) with five days to spare, reports The Next Web . While a Windows 7 version of the open source cross-platform media player already exists, it won’t run on Microsoft’s ARM-based Windows RT devices, and the VLC team took the opportunity to create something from the ground up that reflected Microsoft’s new design direction and would run on both platforms.

The team expects to finish the port within three months, and released some mockups last week of what the completed designs might look like. On top of VLC’s signature support for a broad array of formats, the app will be...

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